Freedom, Justice, Democracy and Activism

Bill of Rights (US)

The Constitution of the United States




A Chill Wind is Blowing

A Prayer for America

A Short History of Women’s Voting Rights

A Venerable Voice in Israel is Muted After

Questioning Army’s Actions

Abuse of Black Men a Prelude to Scandal

All the President’s Votes

Flaws in Electronic Voting Machines

American Fascism

An Athlete With the Freedom to Speak

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Questions Habeas Corpus

Bill Frist & Dennis Hastert: We Don’t Care About the Secret Detention Facilities

Bill Moyer’s Keynote – Oct. 16, 2001

Bill Seeks to Prohibit Mind Control Weapons

& Chemtrails

Break the Spells That Bind

Bruce Springsteen Defends Dixie Chicks

Right to Freedom of Speech

Bush’s Domestic Spying

The Case Against Alito

Codex Alimentarius

Understanding its Impact on Our Health Freedom and Choice

Court Victory Lets Preserved Ohio 2004 Ballots Tell New Tales of Theft and Fraud

Criticize Cheney; Go to Jail

The Day Freedom of Information (Act) Died

Death Penalty Information – State by State

Disney Forbids Distribution of Film That Criticizes Bush

Dixie Chicks Stand Their Ground

Electronic Voting Machines Security Risk

Diebold Election Systems Under Attack

Fans Fury Over Censorship of Pearl Jam by AT&T

Freedom & Sweet Revenge

Fundamental Changes to Americans’ Legal Rights

Imposed by Bush Admin. & Patriot Act

Granny D & Campaign Finance Reform

Green Party Condemns Attacks on Constitutional Rights

Harry Belafonte Interviewed by Wolf Blitzer Sticks By His Words

History of the Death Penalty & Recent Developments

How a Secret Pentagon Program Came to Abu Ghraib

How Patriotism Is Trying To Silence Voices Of Dissent

How to Interpret the Ten Commandments

How To Take Back America

HR Bill #2977 to Prohibit Mind Control Weapons & Chemtrails

Hugo Chavez Speaks at UN General Assembly 2006

I Smell a Rat

Immigrant Groups Sue Ashcroft

Impressions of Coretta Scott King’s Funeral by Rhio

Iraq: Enforced Democracy?

It’s Only The Constitution

The Jefferson Muzzles

Last Refuge

Let’s Destroy Our Freedom To Save It

Local Officials Rise Up to Defy The Patriot Act

More Than a Dreamer

Musicians Face Tougher Airport Security

Patriot Raid – A Small Taste of What

Living Without Constitutional Protections Means

Roe v. Wade Was Almost Overturned in 1992

Rosa Parks Was Not Tired – Correction to Rosa Parks Myth

Savannah Joins 386 US Cities in Taking Aim at the USA PATRIOT Act

Seven-Year Olds Lead a Strike

Statements for Peace

10 Good Things About a Bad Year (2003) And 10 Not So Good

The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

US Anti-War Activists Hit by Secret Airport Ban

US Plans Death Camp

US Prison Population Continued to Grow in 2004

Vanishing Votes

Virtual Fund-Raising Force for Democracy or a New Edge for Incumbents?

Why I Hate Thanksgiving

Will Americans be Able to Exercise Their Fundamental Right to Protest at the Major-Party Conventions in Boston and New York This Summer (2004)?

Your Bank Account, Your Liberties

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