Why Do We Love Nuts So Much?

from: Elaina Love

Ever wonder "Why do we love nuts so much?"

Harvard School of Public Health researchers studied more than 83,000 women and found that those who ate nuts five times per week or more significantly lowered their risk for type 2 diabetes compared with those who never or rarely consumed nuts. The women who reported eating nuts at least five times a week reduced their risk by almost 30 percent. (Journal of the American Medical association, 2002, vol. 288, no. 20).

Add this to a growing body of other nut-positive research, including a landmark 1992 study from Loma Linda University. Researchers observed about a 50% reduction in the number of both fatal and nonfatal heart attacks among those who consumed nuts five or more times per week, as compared with those who ate nuts less than once a week.

Nuts are high in fat and calories, so instead of just adding more nuts to your diet, it is better to substitute nuts for refined carbohydrates, and red meats.

Nutty Nutrition Facts:

Almonds: Demuculent, most alkaline nut, high in fat, protein and vitamin E
Brazil Nuts: Low-fat, rich in fiber, high in protein
Hazelnuts: Rich in selenium, aid in normalizing the metabolism
Macadamia Nuts: Rich in niacin, help rejuvenate the liver and discourage the craving for alcohol
Pecans: High in fat, Vitamin B6, assist in repairing damaged cells in diseased hearts
Pine Nuts: One of the best known sources of protein in the nut family
Pistachio: It is one of the only nuts that is inclined to be alkaline forming, they are beneficial for healing constipation and help purify the blood and tone the liver and kidneys
Walnuts: Rich in calcium, vitamin E and fiber, walnuts are a warming and laxative food used to strengthen the kidneys and lungs, to lubricate the large intestine and improve metabolism.
Nut facts sourced from Whole Foods Companion by Dianne Onstead

Nuts are rich in:

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can reduce blood cholesterol, especially when substituted for foods rich in saturated fat, such as meat or cheese.
Folic acid and other B vitamins, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin E, known to be cardio protective. Almonds and hazelnuts have more vitamin E than other nuts do.
Copper, potassium, and magnesium-all three are linked to heart health.
Source: UC Berkeley wellness letter.

Elaina Love
(415) 558-1624



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