Top of the List (for Rhio):
- Peace, Peace, Peace
- Genetic Engineering of Plants, Animals & People
- Untying the Media from Corporate Control and News Abuse
Other Important Issues:
- Acid Rain
- Air Pollution
- Alcoholism
- Alternate Sources of Energy
- Fuel Cells
- Geothermal
- Ocean Wave
- River Flow
- Solar
- Wind
- Animal Abuse
- Animal Welfare
- Antibiotics & Hormones in Meats
- Arctic National Wildlife Preserve (protecting the integrity of)
- Arsenic Treated Wood (Chromated Copper Arsenate)
- Campaign Finance Reform
- Capital Punishment (repeal)
- Care for the Military (when they come home)
- Cattle Grazing on Federal Lands
- Cell Phones & Towers
- Chemicals in the Environment
- Chemtrails
- Child Drugging
- Child Labor
- Child Welfare
- Chlorine & Aluminum in Water Purification
- Civil Liberties
- Clearcutting
- of Ancient Forests
- of Forests
- Cluster Bombs
- Codex Alimentarius
- Corporate
- Corruption
- Influence in Land Grant Universities
- Influence in the Media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.)
- Influence in Politics
- Influence in Schools
- Mega-Farms (phase out)
- Welfare
- Depleted Uranium Munitions
- Dioxin, Antibiotics & Pesticides in Milk
- Dolphins & Tuna
- Drilling in Sacred & Protected Places
- Drug Peddling on TV (repeal)
- Drug Rehabilitation
- Dry Cleaning with Perchlorate & Dangerous Chemicals
- Education (equal access to)
- Electro-Magnetic Fields & Pollution
- Equal Protections for American Citizens & Residents
- Family Farms (preservation of)
- Financial Assistance for Higher Education
- Fluoride in Water
- Foreign
- Aid
- Policy
- Fracking
- Freedom (preservation of)
- Freedom of Information Act (preservation of)
- Garbage Incineration
- Garment Workers (exploitation of)
- Globalization
- High Voltage Power Lines
- Holistic Doctors (harrassment & persecution of)
- Homeless
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Housing
- for the Homeless
- for the Middle Class
- for the Poor (affordable)
- Human Rights
- Illegal Trade in Body Parts
- (Native) Indian Lands and Treaties
- International Monetary Fund Policies
- Irradiated Foods
- Landmines
- Loss of Topsoil
- Mandatory Vaccinations (right to refuse)
- Medical Treatment & Hospital Mistakes (3rd cause of death in US after heart disease & cancer)
- Microwave Ovens
- Microwaves
- Mining of the Oceans (causing massive extermination of fish populations)
- Missing Children
- Missing Persons
- MTBE additive in gasoline
- North America Free Trade Agreements (NAFTA)
- Nuclear
- Energy
- Medicine
- Power Plants (close down)
- Waste
- Weapons
- Weapons in Space
- Oil Spills & Pollution
- Organic Agriculture
- Peasant Enclosure Off the Land
- Pesticides
- in Perfumes
- Spraying over Populations
- Usage
- Police
- Brutality
- Corruption
- Political Corruption
- Polluted
- Oceans
- Rivers
- Streams
- Poverty
- Prison Reform
- Privatization
- of Prisons
- of Utilities
- of Water
- Racism
- Rainforests
- Recycling
- Redistricting for Political Advantage
- Redlining of Neighborhoods
- Rehabilitation Programs for Prisoners
- Reproductive Choice (preserving)
- Rockefeller Drug Laws (repeal of)
- Segregation
- Slavery (Trafficking in Humans)
- Smart Meters
- Smoking
- Sustainable
- Agriculture
- Energy
- Sweat Shops
- Tax Reform
- Testing on Animals
- Unions – Collective Bargaining
- US Constitution & Bill of Rights (restoration of)
- US Patriot Act (repeal of)
- Veterans Hospitals (reform of)
- Voting Machines (must be transparent, not proprietary)
- Water Pollution
- Water Privatization
- Welfare for the Rich
- Whaling
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization